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New Jersey Weather In April

Newark, NJ's Monthly Weather Forecast

April: A Glimpse into Spring's Arrival

Temperature Outlook

Newark, New Jersey, experiences a moderate to pleasant April, with average temperatures ranging from 15°F to 65°F. Expect a significant portion of the month (27%) to experience temperatures reaching up to 65°F, providing a welcome respite from winter's chill.

Precipitation Patterns

April in Newark typically brings moderate to high precipitation, with an average of 8 rainy days. Embrace the showers, as they contribute to the lush greenery and blooming flowers that herald the arrival of spring.

Historical Averages

Based on historical averages, April in New Jersey is marked by the following temperature ranges:

  • Frigid: 15°F
  • Freezing: 32°F
  • Very Cold: 45°F
  • Cold: 55°F
  • Cool: 65°F
  • Comfortable: 75°F
  • Warm: 85°F
  • Hot: 95°F
  • Sweltering: 110°F

Plan Ahead with Accuracy

Stay informed and plan your activities accordingly with our precise monthly weather forecast for Newark, New Jersey. Whether you're preparing for a weekend getaway or an outdoor event, our comprehensive information empowers you to make informed decisions based on the expected weather conditions.
